best autotyper software

Qc Report Maker Software

dev autotyper

Qc Report Maker Software or service is not for general users. It is for companies. If you are a normal user, try our Qc Software. This service is for businesses that need to provide accuracy reports to their clients.

This software helps highlight errors such as missing words, lines, spelling mistakes, etc. If you take jobs from a company, you don't need to use Qc Report Maker Software. For this service, we charge a fee per project. If you run your own company and clients provide you with a file, you need to check your client’s file and provide us with the original file (client’s file) and the edited file. You also need to provide a calculation in percentage (%) for errors such as line missing, extra line, word missing, spelling mistakes, etc. We will then give you a report for the edited file in percentage.

If you prefer not to do quality control and report making manually, we can handle it for you, and you'll need to pay for QC and report making.

This is a sample demo

Filename Line Number Word Number Error Type Wrong Word Correct Word Percent
UAE0d374332 5 3 Word Missing 1%
UAE0d374332 8 5 Spell Error hve have 0.50%
UAE0d374332 32 15 Mismatch Word hove have 0.50%
UAE0d374348 25 Extra Line 10%
UAE0d374367 5 Line Missing 10%
UAE0d374367 2 Punctuation Error more more, 0.50%
Total: 23%

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Does generating a report give 100% accuracy?

Ans: - Yes, it depends on checking quality.

2. I don’t want to buy software. Will I get service from you?

Ans: - Yes, you will get service from us.

3. I have a company. I want you to edit my text and give us a report. What is the cost per page?

Ans: - If you have a company, we will charge 10 rupees per page (average 1000 words per page). You have to make a payment for a minimum of 50 pages.

4. If I send you an image file and text file, does your Qc Report Maker Software generate a report automatically?

Ans: - No, it depends on your editing. The report is generated based on the errors you correct.

5. How can a company give us a report automatically?

Ans: - A company does not give you a report automatically. They check and edit errors and then generate a report based on the percentage.

6. My company gave me an accuracy report. I couldn't achieve the minimum accuracy. Can you give me a report of those text files?

Ans: - No.

Special Note: If you use our Qc Report Maker Software and encounter a bug, inform us. We are regularly working on improving our Qc Report Software.